Welcome to Blue Orangeade, an unofficial, food-themed, Tomorrow X Together zine!== Status:
Contributor Applications ==

    What is this project?
    This is a food-themed zine centered around the members of Tomorrow by Together! Produced and managed by various creators in the fandom, this zine will feature artwork, fics, and possibly even recipes inspired by TXT
    What is a zine?
    A zine is a collection of artistic works (mostly written/drawn) all centered around a theme. This zine is specifically a fanzine, which is a zine made by and for fans.
    How old do I have to be to contribute?
    We ask that all contributors be 13+, in compliance with Discord’s TOS (as that will be our main method of communication)
    Is this for profit?
    No - this will be a physical, for charity zine!
    How will contributors be compensated?
    All contributors will receive a free digital PDF copy of the zine and all digital merch. Our goal is to provide all contributors with a free physical zine and free shipping, but this is dependent on preorders.
    Is this a cookbook zine?
    No. This zine will be food-themed, and may feature recipes depending on the interest check and the mod team, but will not be cookbook zine.
    Will ships be allowed in this zine?
    This will be determined by the results of the interest check!
    Are AUs allowed?
    Can I reuse a piece that I created earlier?
    No. All pieces must be original and created exclusively for this zine.
    When will I be allowed to post my full piece publicly?
    Once pre-orders close, buyers have received their packages, and leftover sales are being readied, you will be allowed to post your full piece. Otherwise, you may post previews that showcase no more than 40% of your piece.
    Can I use my piece in portfolios after I finish it?
    Yes. Until you are allowed to post it, however, we ask that you only use it in private portfolios that you are sharing with the moderators of that zine only. We also ask that you include a note that the piece is not to be distributed.
    Can I sell my finished piece/use it on personal merchandise?
    Yes, of course. You may do so after leftover sales have ended, and at no prior point.
    How do I apply to be a contributor?
    Our contributor applications will open on November 10th and close on December 1st! During this time, our mods will be going through all applications and grading them based on backgrounds, style, colour, anatomy, etc. We will be reaching out to all applicants via email to announce results around December 7th!
    What is the interest check for?
    The interest is, in short, to check out the fandom's interest in a project like this! We will be deciding and reshaping the zine's concept based on the interest check, whether we can scale up or need to scale down, etc. This stage is very important for guiding the zine's further down the line.
    What are moderators?
    Moderators, or mods for short, are the people behind the zine. We'll be the ones hosting the event, managing it, and sorting out all the details - from social media to making the forms to contacting participants.
    What types of moderators are part of the project?
    We're looking for all sorts of mods, but we are mostly hoping to find Finance, Production/Shipping, and Social Media mods! We are also accepting extra Art, Writing, Graphics, and Formatting mods.
    Who are the guest contributors?
    They’re contributors who we’ve invited to join the zine! Non-guests must apply through the regular application process taking place at a later date. We’re still taking suggestions for guests in our interest check!
    Question from the interest check:Will the whole process be transparent? Is there already a timeline that will be available for us to know?
    We will be as transparent as we can be! Our schedule is in our carrd, as well as any other relevant info.
    How many artworks will each artist make??
    Right now it’s most likely that one artist will make one page, unless they want to take on other assignments.
    For example, an artist may do a spread (2 pages, basically a landscape piece that’s twice as big as what a page is), they may also be working on merch (which gets its own unique assignments for each artist), or we may ask them to help out with cover or bonus art! However, this extra work is all up to them and whether they can handle it.
    does the zine only accept digital art submissions?
    No, we will also take traditional art. However, it must be properly scanned and edited if needed.

    September 15 - October 15Interest Check
    September 22 - October 18Mod Applications
    October 18 - October 20Mod emails sent out
    October 31Interest check results posted
    November 10 - December 1Contributor Applications
    December 5 - December 7Emails sent
    December 10Last day to accept position in zine
    December 20 - December 28Pitch submissions
    January 3Pitch assignments
    January 27 - January 31Check in 1
    February 27 - March 3Check in 2
    March 27 - March 31Check in 3
    April 15Final Submissions

    Pluto - Head Mod
    May - Graphics & Art Mod
    Toki (Goma) - Art & Writing Mod
    Calamari - Finance & Production Mod
    Mira - Formatting & Writing Mod
    Kk - Socmed & Art Mod
    Sunny/Omori - Writing Mod